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Heathergems is a uniquely Scottish brand, known for its handcrafted jewellery and gift items made from natural heather. Each product is a symbol of Scotland’s rich cultural heritage and the lush landscapes of the Scottish Highlands. The beauty of Heathergems is not unearthed but cultivated, with heather harvested from the beautiful Scottish landscapes, then cut, cleaned, dyed, and compressed under immense pressure to form a dense, robust block. Each block is unique, promising a one-of-a-kind gem in every product. The brand has established itself as a quintessentially Scottish product, offering a truly unique take on traditional jewellery. Each Heathergem piece offers an exciting opportunity for people around the world to carry a part of Scotland with them. Their commitment to sustainability and preserving the natural beauty of Scotland shines through in their products, making them not just pieces of jewellery but also symbols of love for nature and cultural heritage. Whether you're shopping for a unique piece of jewellery, looking to explore Scotland's vibrant culture, or searching for a sustainable gift, Heathergems offers something truly special for everyone.